Our Services
DAT Transfer
We can transfer your DAT tape to a digital .wav or .aiff file. These .wav or .aiff files can then be played on any modern PC or Mac, converted to .mp3 or .flac, or used for a remastering project. The vast majority of audio recorded on DATs was done at 16 bit, 44.1 KHz (CD quality). We use a TASCAM DA-20MKII for audio transfer direct to TASCAM CC-222 MKIV CD-R recorder. Reach out to matt@divebombrecords.com if you have any questions or are in need of a DAT transfer.
If your project will require audio mastering, we recommend our partner of 20 years, Jamie King at Jamie King Audio.
Our Rates
DAT Transfer
$29.99 per DAT*
$24.99 per DAT for orders containing 4 or more*
*Does not include return shipping of materials sent to us for transfer. Return shipping costs will be determined once project is completed for client.
Our Results